Observations from a Summer Solstice Week
Rauhocereus Riosaniensis Pilosocereus Albisummus Gopher tortoise Tiger beetle East pasture West pasture Bluebird Banana bed with watermelon, squash Duck garden with bushy pigeon peas, lush growth
I’ve debagged and hardened off seedlings of several species of cactus that are growing faster with fresh air, fertilizer and bacterial fungus gnat control. Even the mid-week low point of accidentally kicking over a”gestating” bagged tray of about 1400 native fragrant prickly apple cactus turned out well after a 12 hour shift of placing every single one in 98-cell trays….they all appear to have made it and are actually growing noticeably larger in that short amount of time! They weren’t to be transplanted for another three weeks. Along the driveway the seven foot blue P. Azureus survived winter burn and now has three arms starting to form in addition to that top pup.
Wildlife making a good show, and ouch, tiger beetles not only definitely bite but are rapid-fire biters on the capturing hand. I think this is called a mustached tiger beetle but can’t be certain. Fire ants got me too. The jumbo gopher tortoise finally made an appearance after a month of watching its huge burrow grow along the driveway. I hope it doesn’t discover the tasty cactus nearby. Everything goes on here under the watch of a healthy population of bluebird.

Linda Bergman
Beautiful photos, Jim!
James V Freeman
Thanks Linda! New lace plant pool getting a makeshift canopy today, then plants move in.