Lots of spiders and a Few Other “Bugs”
You know, I just LOVE these things. Yuck, you don’t like? Awww, c’mon, it’s Halloween anyway! How about a hand-sized golden silk spider to brighten (frighten) your evening? We’ve got tropical tent spiders, fuzzy spiders, cute lil’ spiders, dotted spiders, huge spiders, green lynx spiders, extra large centipedes, flying ant lions and even a big undertaker beetle (red and black Nicrophorus burying beetle) to make the holiday real. But I did squash the invasive tropical brown widows and their egg clusters hiding in a couple of flower pots before I even thought of whipping out my camera, because the screams would have been deafening if Mom had found them first. She’s the one who taught me what that red hourglass mark meant when I was a kid. Heck, I didn’t even plan this post for Halloween because this stuff presents itself every day. Halfway through loading photos to the blog I realized what day it is. Enjoy!